The Girls' Top Fictional Crushes
Public Domain Photo courtesy of George Hodan In honor of Valentine's Day, the girls sat down and wrote out their top fictional crushes. Aarika: Jayna, I think we should have a long talk about how my sex-capades are MY business and not yours. But, because I am a team player, I will share my literary fantasies with the world. Because I am the biggest team player. So, without further ado…who would I do? 1: I am going to have my Queen get the first credit. I love Sarah J Maas, Queen Maas from here on out. Bow to our queen! Okay, enough fangirling. Our man Rowan from her Throne of Glass series. I do not know why I have a thing for guys who would not put up with any of my nonsense, but I do. My husband (Hi, I love you. Jayna told me this was my homework!) He literally puts up with none of Aelin’s shenanigans but trusts her to no end when she comes up with her chaotic plans. That is true love. So, I would have to ride that wave if I were her. But I am married so I would never. I married ...